Sharing the SRI West Africa results at the International Rice Congress in Singapore

The fifth International Rice Congress (IRC) took place in Singapore from October 15-17, 2018. It is the largest rice conference in the world organized every 4 years. SRI research was presented in oral presenations, flash talks and posters by resarchers from Benin, Costa Rica, India, Indonesia, Irak, Japan, Mali, Nepal, Thailand, Vietnam and the USA. Two side-events on Women and Rice and SRI Research were organized by Oxfam and SRI-Rice.
Erika Styger and Gaoussou Traore gave an oral presentation on the results of the Improving and Scaling up the System of Rice Intensification in West Africa project with the title:
Closing the Rice Production Gap in West Africa by Scaling-up the System of Rice Intensification

Presentation will soon be uploaded